Our Pastorate recognizes that we have but one teacher, Jesus Christ. Together, with the parents and the help of the Holy Spirit, Faith Formation tries to instruct children in the scriptures and traditions of the Church in order that they may become faithful and fruitful disciples of Jesus. Faith Formation is devoted to proclaiming the Christian message and promoting knowledge of the faith; preparing children for prayer and worship; cultivating moral formation; encourage Christian living and service and instilling a sense of community and a communal understanding of Church.
Sessions are held at St. Pius X School, and are scheduled on Sundays from September through April, 9:15 – 10:15 a.m. for Pre-K – Grade 8.
Faith Formation Payment Links are below:
3 or More Children - Rel Ed Tuition
First Reconciliation & First Eucharist
Contact Kim Woods, Faith Formation Coordinator.
Confirmation fills us with the Holy Spirit so that we may have a deeper relationship with God, as Creator, Redeemer, and Spirit. Through confirmation we are strengthened so that we may become disciples who bear witness to the Lord. Confirmation is also an initiation sacrament that welcomes us and deepens our belonging to the Church community. Thus we try to celebrate this sacrament within a Sunday Mass so that we may further welcome these members of the Body of Christ and offer them our support.
Confirmation Preparation Fee
Ninth through 12th graders who have not been confirmed whose families are registered members of the parish are eligible to receive confirmation. This preparation program is formed around a Day of Welcome and Commitment, eight small group sessions and an overnight retreat. Contact Deacon Woods for information.
Confirmation Candidate & Sponsor Form
We would love to share more with you about the joy of our faith – and would welcome you in the journey regarding your own membership in the Catholic Community. This is done through a process known as the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults – better known as RCIA!
Adults who are interested in becoming a member of the Catholic Church participate in a spiritual journey that begins in September, meets weekly, and culminates at the Easter Vigil. This journey includes different periods followed by a ritual marking ongoing conversion. For additional information, please call the office of the parish you wish to join.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults as Adapted for Children (RCIC)
This is the normal way for unbaptized children who have reached the age of reason to enter the Catholic Church. It includes the same periods and rites as the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. The children and at least one parent meet eight times starting in October. While preparing through the RCIC, children also need to be participating in religious education either through the parish school or School of Religion. For more information, please call the office of the parish you wish to join.
A Bible Study Group meets regularly at Saint Mary’s throughout the year on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. in the Church Hall. Sessions run from four to eight weeks depending on the season of the year and which book is chosen for the study. All are invited to join – whether a member of Saint Mary’s, another parish or no parish at all.
Please call the parish office at (410) 435-5900 for current information or to join a session.